「Sompo Holdings, Inc. (SOMPOホールディングス)」is a holding company which owns「Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc.(損害保険ジャパン日本興亜株式会社)」. It is a mega non-life insurance company equivalent to「MS & AD Insurance Group Holdings(MS&ADインシュアランスグループホールディングス)」and「Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc.(東京海上ホールディングス)」. They also handle nursing care and health care, inclduing the domestic non-life insurance business. The number of consolidated employees is approximately 45,326.
1. Company Profile
2. Summary and Features
3. Major Business
4. Financial Information
1. Company Profile
※Unit is JPY million, as of 2019
Company name |
Sompo Holdings, Inc. |
Company name (Japanese) |
SOMPOホールディングス |
Date of establishment |
Thursday, April 1, 2010 |
Headquarters location |
〒160-8338 東京都新宿区西新宿1-26-1 |
Capital |
100,000 |
Consolidated sales |
3,643,040 |
Consolidated operating profit |
198,959 |
Consolidated total assets |
12,018,254 |
Consolidated capital |
1,779,911 |
Capital adequacy ratio |
14.8% |
Consolidated number of employees |
45,326 |
2. Summary and Features
In April 2010,「NKSJ Holdings Co., Ltd.(NKSJホールディングス株式会社)」 was established as a joint holding company of「Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.(損害保険ジャパン)」and「NIPPONKOA Insurance Company(日本興亜損害保険)」. The company name of "NKSJ", was a combination of "NK" from Nippon Kouwa and "SJ" from Sonppou Japan. In 2014, the two companies decided to conduct business integration, by this event, they became one business entity under the name of「Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc.」.
At the time of the merger, it was the largest non-life insurance company. Although it is currently in second place, it is still the top class company for Japanese non-life insurance premium income. However, they are relatively weak at IT section compared to other mega non-life insurance companies, and this is pointed out as a weakeness. The industry is currently using electronic document-based communication rather than paper due to the spread of tablet terminals and PCs. But「Sompo Holdings」has tendency to depend on mainly analog devices.
The non-life insurance market in Japan is expected to shrink in size as the birthrate and birthrate decline. Therefore, Japanese non-life insurance companies are basically focusing on overseas expansion. However,「Sompo Holdings」rather concentrates on healthcare business in Japan. Actually, Japanese healthcare market itself has room for growth as the population ages.
In order to enhance healthcare business, in 2015,「SOMPO Holdings」purchased the nursing care business of 「Watami Co., Ltd.,」a well-known izakaya chain. Then, as a new business, the nursing care / healthcare business for dementia patients had been started and in 2017, this business turned into the black. Starting from this business, it is said that「SONPO Holdings」is planning various business developments such as housing reform business and extended warranty business.
3. Major Business
■ Non-life insurance business
■ Life insurance business
■ Overseas insurance business
■ Nursing care and healthcare business
4. Financial information
※Unit is JPY million
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
Consolidate revenue |
3,419,530 |
3,770,052 |
3,643,040 |
Consolidate gross income |
241,713 |
141,890 |
198,959 |
Consolidated total assets |
11,931,135 |
11,948,323 |
12,018,254 |
Consolidated net assets |
1,868,940 |
1,916,210 |
1,779,911 |
Breakdown of sales |
Japan domestic Indemnity insurance |
2,212,230 |
2,218,407 |
2,198,702 |
Japan domestic Life insurance |
317,311 |
341,998 |
523,972 |
Nursing・Healthcare business |
119,155 |
127,883 |
345,086 |
Oversea insurance business |
344,655 |
641,347 |
127,405 |
Others |
18,558 |
20,232 |
13,250 |
Adjustments |
407,619 |
420,183 |
434,622 |
'Compnay I DB' 카테고리의 다른 글
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