

「Korea Industrial Co., Ltd. (고려산업)」is a company that mainly manufactures and sells assorted feed for livestock, and is also engaged in the meat business to secure a stable sales channel. Although its influence in the industry is relatively weak compared to major companies, they introduced Korea's first full automatic computer process control system, in order to standardize and uniformize product quality. Thanks to this, they are able to produce assorted feed with high efficiency by optimizing formulation of ingredients. The number of connected employees is about 130.


1. Company Profile

2. Summary and Features

3. Major Business

4. Financial Information




1. Company Profile


※Unit is KRW 10 million, as of 2019

Company name Korea Industrial Co., Ltd
Company name (Japanese) 高麗産業
Date of establishment 1957
Headquarters location 부산시 사상구 새벽시장로 21
Capital 24,94
Consolidated sales 19,246
Consolidated operating profit 581
Consolidated total assets 20,649
Consolidated capital 11,212
Capital adequacy ratio 54.3%
Consolidated number of employees 130




2. Summary and Features

「Korea Construction(고려건설)」that handled construction materials and steel, was established Shin Deokgyun(신덕균), who graduated from Waseda University in Japan in 1957, and had been operating a rice mill since the colonial era. After that, in 1976, the company name was changed to the current「Korea Industries(고려산업)」, and initiated assorted feed business by purchasing plant from「Shinhan jebun(신한제분)」. And in 1977, they founded Busan assorted feed manufacturing factory.


In 1986, they opened the second assorted feed factory in Daegu. In addition, they introduced Korea's first full automatic computer process control system, in order to standardize and uniformize product quality. In 1990, this company was listed on Korea Exchange and made a technical tie-up with the Dutch company「HENDRIX」for introducing advanced technology. At present,「Korea Industries」mainly manufactures and sells assorted feed for livestock. And in order to secure a stable sales channel, they are also conducting meat business.

As described above, this company introduced the Korea's first full automatic process control system, to achieve standardization and uniformization of products. And by this, they are able to produce assorted feed with high efficiency by optimizing formulation of ingredients. 「Korea Industries」has laboratories in Busan and Daegu plants, and they are focusing on improving technological competitiveness in high-quality products, farm automation. From 2011, they changed the brand name to "Hafeed (해피드)".

「Korea Industries」mainly imports the raw materials such as corn, wheat and soybean meal from Argentina, Brazil. Then, they produce assorted feed and sell it to domestic farmers. This assorted feed business accounts for over than 90% of total sales. As a result, they rely on imports for their raw materials, so their business performance is easily affected by the situation of international grain prices and exchange rates. In addition, the top 10 companies in the assorted feed industry account for 70% of the total production, so the industry is extremely polarized.




3. Major Business


■ Assorted feed business
The combined feed division mainly handles assorted feed for poultry, pigs and cattle, which account for 30%, 25% and 35%, respectively.

■ Meat business
This is a business to secure a stable sales channel for the compound feed business, which is the main business of「Korea Industries」. However, in recent years it has been in the red. And 2018 and 2019 standards, there was no sales record.




4. Financial information


※Unit is KRW 10 million

  2017 2018 2019
Consolidated sales 17,452 15,843 19,246
Consolidated operating profit 595 581 581
Consolidated total assets 18,312 21,362 20,649
Consolidated net assets 7,246 9,239 11,212
Breakdown of sales Assorted feed business 13,754 15,031 18,550
  601 412 576
Meat business 2,971 0 0
  -4 0 0
Others 728 812 696
  -3 169 5





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